Two seats at top table

Top 5 Ideas for Eco-Friendly Wedding Favours

As the impact of our throwaway lifestyles becomes increasingly evident, more and more couples are seeking to minimise the environmental impact of their wedding. Between transport, decorations and catering, there’s a lot to consider when making your wedding as sustainable as possible.

Summer Strolls in Beautiful Berkshire

Berkshire is more than just the “Royal County”. Though we’re proud of its royal residence, Windsor Castle, Berkshire is also a place of immense beauty. This gorgeous county, with its blend of countryside and pretty towns, holds, for obvious reasons, a special place in our hearts. 

Man playing golf

What makes one of the best golfing breaks in the UK?

Published by: Lizzie Heather

The game of golf originated on the east coast of Scotland and over the years has become one of the most popular sports in the world. But what makes one of the best golfing breaks in the UK, we hear you ask? The answer lies in a collection of wonderful factors that seamlessly combine to create a truly unforgettable experience.

From a well-kept course to a beautiful setting to the best facilities around, we share some of the best ingredients for an unmissable golf break – no ifs, putts or maybe! Let’s drive straight in.

Clay pigeon shooting

Experience weekends: how to make marvellous memories on your 2024 getaway

Published by: Bel Dixon

When planning a fantastic gift or getaway it’s handy to look at what’s worked well in the past. When we do, we see that the very best have one thing in common - they’re about experiences, not things. Because it's fabulous experiences - precious time in special places with people we love - that resonate most strongly. But how can we make memories that endure? Read the Donnington Grove guide to experience weekends to find out.

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Top 7 reasons for a UK autumn holiday

The UK in autumn is magical. Summer and winter can see varied and unpredictable weather but in autumn, it’s time for an adventure. The splendour of the woodlands, the calm of the best tourist spots and the fun of the festivals are waiting to be discovered.

basildon park

Top 5 National Trust Properties in Berkshire

Published by: Lizzie Heather

Beautiful and history-rich, the Royal County of Berkshire is famed for its wealth of National Trust properties that beckon for exploration. From the sprawling verdure of country parks to the grandeur of regal estates, they offer something to all generations looking to walk through manicured landscapes and retrace the steps of time. Best of all? They’re free to all National Trust members.

Below are some of the top 5 National Trust properties in Berkshire to begin your journey of discovery.

Black and white ceremony

Crafting the perfect wedding day schedule

Published by: Brock Horning

The key to a stress-free wedding is planning. Putting together an hour-by-hour guide to your perfect day gets everyone on the same page and helps things run smoothly.

However, unless you’re a practised hand at running large events, planning your wedding day schedule and order of the day can be one of the biggest challenges. How long does each element of a wedding take? What order should they go in?

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The best vineyards in Berkshire to visit this summer

Published by: Brock Horning

It may be one of the smaller UK wine regions but Berkshire is home to a growing number of vineyards making exceptional wine. What better way to soak up the summer sun than ambling through the vineyards of Berkshire and sampling some of the county’s finest wines?

3 - LANDSCAPES - Donnington Grove Hotel 2022 - Hotel _ Grounds - Hotel _ Restaurant Photography By KW Creative - Kent Wynne Photography (C)

Top Reasons to Visit a Countryside Hotel

Published by: Laura Avery

Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed, in need of a break from the daily grind? If so, a countryside hotel escape may be just what you need. Imagine getting away from the noise and chaos of city life, immersing yourself in nature, and finding peace and relaxation in the great outdoors. Donnington Grove, an estate located in the picturesque countryside of Berkshire, England, offers the perfect escape for couples and families seeking a tranquil getaway.

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Rustic wedding favours

Published by: Belinda Dixon

We’re used to thinking we have to sort the big things out first when planning a wedding. But actually, you can do it the other way around. Instead of making big calls, such as deciding on a time of year or dress, you can zoom in and let the smaller details help you shape your big day. Which is where rustic wedding favours come in. These delightful, country-chic themed gifts for guests could be the key to unlocking the feel and themes of your special day.